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Sunday Morning Worship 9AM and 11AM; Live Stream available 9AM

Serving at NHC

Nags Head Church values serving. We consider ministry to be something every believer should is involved in.
The first step to serving on a ministry team at Nags Head Church is to become a Partner (member) of the church.  

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Our Sunday morning worship services at Nags Head Church are made possible by our ministry teams, which consist of over 70 partners. In addition to Sunday mornings, our partners also serve during the week by leading Connection Groups, hosting groups, cleaning the church, and serving coffee.

From our Core Values:
He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
From our Church Covenant:
I will serve the ministry of my church

  • By discovering my gifts and talents
  • By being equipped to serve by my pastors
  • By developing a servant's heart

    Our current ministry teams are:
  • NHC Kids - Serving each Sunday with our children in 0 through 5th grades.
  • Kiosk Team - Serving our guests and regular attenders by assisting them in checking their children into NHC Kids.
  • First Impressions - Greeting guests and partners each Sunday morning and giving a warm welcome to NHC.
  • Parking Lot - Serving by helping with traffic flow and parking before and after our services.
  • Hospitality -Making and serving coffee and pastries and greeting attenders and talking with guests.
  • MP 13 - Using musical abilities to lead the church in worship in song. (auditions required)
  • Tech - Serving by operating the audio and visual equipment during worship gatherings on Sunday morning.
  • Teller - Counting the offering on Sundays and making the deposit.
  • Connection Group Leader -Facilitating a small group Bible study.
  • Connection Group Host - Hosting a Connection Group in your home.
  • Housekeeping - Making our church facilities shine.
  • Counseling Team - Serving the church by offering to counsel partners in need. Team members are required to take courses and be certified.
  • Security Team - Helping to keep us safe and secure.
  • The Do Crew - Doing handyman-type jobs around the church building.
  • NHC Students - Serving students in the 6th through 12 grades.
  • Outreach Planning Team - Planning, organizing and executing church and community events.
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