The Way (Week 3)


Sunday Morning Worship 9AM and 11AM; Live Stream available 9AM

May 28, 2023

Main Point: The worship of God is the most true and human activity.

Furthermore, because God made the Israelites, they did not need to grow weary. (Isaiah 40:28-31)

Because He carried them (Isaiah 45:20; 46:3) they did not need to become hungry and thirsty (Isaiah 43:19-20).

An idol is dependent on a person for its making—and then the person becomes dependent on the idol. The idol is passive.

Idols get made by man in man’s image. God has made man in His image.

Point 1: Worshipping anything but God is foolish.

We are all worshippers.

The object of worship plays the most defining role in our life.

In Isaiah 44:6-8, God declares Who He is and assesses the other objects of worship available to us today.

“Out of balance” is a phrase that helps identify if you are invested in idolatry in some area of your life. Shame and regret are by-products.

Point 2: Worship of anything but God takes life.

Isaiah 44:12-18

Idolatry leaves you empty. It only has whatever life you have invested in it which exhausts you.

Isaiah 44:19-20

The result of idolatry is that we feed on ashes—a constant feeling of emptiness, a thinness of soul, as though we don’t have substance and weight in the world.

Point 3: The worship of God is life-giving.

God’s reminders are far from the model of idolatry:

  • I made you.
  • I will not forget you (though you may have forgotten Me).
  • I have taken away your sins (the things that were an obstacle to life),

God does not need your worship.

Two applications are necessary:

  • Confession: Jesus, on bad days and good days I have sought my security and safety in other lesser things, things often of my own creation. Please forgive me.
  • Worship Him: prayer, song, writing—some form of worship every day.

Worship is a mind-set. Start with at least 5 minutes every day.

3 practices thus far:

Stillness and prayer – at least 10 minutes a day

Bible Readig – at least 15 minutes a day

Worship – 5 minutes a day